Central Europe
Prague, Czech Republic
Fancy sewers!
It really is a city view one could stare at for hours.
We heard a lot of stories that involved defenestration...
Kutna Hora, Czech Republic
This sign confused the hell out of us for almost a week. Finally we got close enough to read the small print.
Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
Can you see the guy in the hamster ball on the river?
Boats can be tied up at the river restaurants while you go in for a beer.
The Hurdy Gurdy Man! Really! He was awesome.
There are bears in the castle moat (not kidding). Dylan got inspired.
Mead is not so good. Very strong though.
I have no idea what this means.
Or this.
Or this.
The thing to do in Cesky Krumlov is to watch rafters go over this weir to see if they'll capsize. About 40% of them do by our estimate. Apparently the river was running very high while we were there. For the record, Dylan and I made it ;)
Salzburg, Austria
Our apartment smack dab in the old town. The building is from the 13th century.
The hallways were fascinating. What's up with the deer heads?
The apartment itself was super modern. It took us an hour to figure out the stove.
Poster for metal band pasted over meditation flyers. Doesn't the guy look like he could use either metal or meditation?
I guess metal is big in Salzburg.
Jumpys are awesome. I have since found Flips here, but no Jumpys.
Feeling the Sound of Music vibe yet?
Vienna, Austria
Vienna has developed some funky canal graffiti since last I was there.
Prater park - a crazy old fashioned amusement park
Schmetterling House! Butterflies!
Schonbrunn Palace
Free bikes!
Hundertwasser house
Budapest, Hungary
Our Hotel with turkish baths

(Photo credit: TravelSplendid.com)
Strange (and unexpected) art gallery in the tunnels under the castle complex
Dylan defending Budapest
Hilly Buda on the left and flat Pest on the right
Memento Park (communist sculpture garden)
Communist era car - the Trabant - people waited years to get this beauty.
Museum of Terror
Many old buildings reveal remnants of more spectacular pasts
I loved the statues in Budapest.
The subway cars looked like they were from the 50's, but they still ran more frequently than the Green line